Resistance Wiki

The XR-003 Sapper Explosive Delivery System exclusively appears in Resistance: Fall of Man and is obtained from a dead SRPA Black Ops soldier. The weapon fires organic explosive globules based on those used by the Widowmaker. This explosive material is highly sensitive and likely to explode when approached. Due to this, they are able to serve as proximity mines, or can be remotely detonated from the Sapper's secondary function.


  • Try to preempt where the enemy, especially quick ones such as Leapers and Gray Jacks, is going to move, and lay down traps for them. As soon as the sacs sense an enemy nearby, they will explode causing considerable damage if a cluster has been left.


The XR-003 "Sapper" mine
launcher is believed by
British Intelligence to be a
product of secret US weapons
programs. Pressing Playstation-Button-R1 fires
a stream of organic cluster
mines. Each mine is encased
in a living cell similar to
those used by the
Widowmaker. The mines stick
to most surfaces, including
each other. In combat, the
Sapper can be used most
effectively by setting large
cluster mine traps for
ambushing Chimera.
Aiming at a mine and
pressing Playstation-Button-L1 will detonate
the targeted mine. Other
mines within the blast
radius will also explode.
Holding Playstation-Button-L1 detonates all
mines in the vicinity.



  • The Sapper is believed British Intelligence to be a product of a secret U.S. weapons programs, which can be proven correct upon the release of Resistance 2 and the introduction of SRPA. It can be presumed that the U.S. Armed Forces replaced the Sapper with the HE .44 Magnum.
  • In the Resistance 3 extras video "Remembering R1," it is shown that the Sapper model was originally assigned to a totally different weapon, a physics manipulator resembling the Gravity Gun from Half-Life 2. Developers state that the weapon was axed in this form because it could not be made to function correctly in time to make the ship date.
Weapons in Resistance: Fall of Man
Human L11-2 Dragon · L209 LAARK · L23 Fareye · M5A2 Folsom Carbine · Rossmore 236 · XR-003 Sapper · XR-005 Hailstorm
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