Resistance Wiki
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The wiki for the Resistance series that anyone can edit.

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Resistance is a science-fiction horror series of first-person shooter and third-person shooter video games developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable and PlayStation Vita game consoles. The series takes place in an alternate history 1950s, in which an alien civilization known as the Chimera have invaded and conquered Earth, expanding their armies by capturing humans and transforming them into monster-like supersoldiers to fight for them.

The series is noted for its use of both conventional and futuristic weaponry, reflecting Insomniac's previous work on the Ratchet & Clank series.


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Nathan Hale

Nathan Hale was the main protagonist of Resistance: Fall of Man and Resistance 2. A soldier in the United States military, Nathan rose to prominence after being infected with the Chimeran virus and was responsible for liberating Britain from the Chimera. Strong, intelligent, extremely brave and yet withdrawn, Hale went on to become one of the original Sentinels. Read more...

Recently featured: Assault on the New York Tower - Susan Farley - Resistance: Burning Skies
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Did You Know

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  • ...that Nolan North, the voice of Roland Mallery, is a very accomplished voice actor, appearing in too many things to list?
  • ...The first chapter of Resistance 2 is named India Eight-Two Crash Site which means "Resistance 2" because in military terms, India stands for "I" and of course Eight(8) Two(2). Resistance: Fall of Man was originally codenamed I-8, hence when Resistance 2 (the sequel) came along it would have been named Resistance: Fall of Man 2 (I-8-2 = India Eight-Two)?
  • ...that Stephen Cartwright is voiced by Peter Jessop who also voices Albert Wesker in the Resident Evil Series.

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Concept Art of the Pure Chimera in Bryce Canyon.

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