Resistance Wiki

The following is a list of trophies which the player can obtain in the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 version of Resistance: Retribution. There are 31 trophies in total (including the later added trophies from Infected Mode).

Name Description Grade Image
Retribution Paid Unlock all trophies in Resistance: Retribution. Platinum RetributionPaid
Grayson and Cartwright Together Again Complete 'Burning Skies'. Bronze GraysonAndCartwrightTogetherAgain
Who Dragged You off the Scrap Heap? Complete 'Crash Site'. Bronze WhoDraggedYouOffTheScrapHeap
I'll Relax When the Sky is Safe Complete 'Industrial Area'. Bronze IllRelaxWhenTheSkyIsSafe
A Moment to Relax Complete 'Gun Tower'. Bronze AMomentToRelax
I Kind of Like You Complete 'Street Entrance'. Bronze IKindOfLikeYou
Stay With Me Complete 'Waterfall Chamber'. Bronze StayWithMe
I'm Having Fish Tonight Complete 'Underground Complex'. Bronze ImHavingFishTonight
You Call That an Angel? Complete 'Incubator Chamber'. Bronze YouCallThatAnAngel
I'm Not in Your Army Remember? Complete 'Construction Zone Mech Ride'. Bronze ImNotInYourArmyRemember
I Love What You've Done to the Place Complete 'Built Trenches'. Bronze ILoveWhatYouveDoneToThePlace
This Worksite Is Closed. Permanently. Complete 'Construction Zone'. Bronze ThisWorksiteIsClosedPermanently
Started the Evacuation Complete 'Casemates'. Bronze StartedTheEvacuation
Burrowers Always Leave Something Behind Complete 'Luxembourg Lower Tunnels'. Silver BurrowersAlwaysLeaveSomethingBehind
Finish the Serum Complete 'Science Lab'. Silver FinishTheSerum
Great Shooting Grayson Complete 'Defensive Bunkers'. Silver GreatShootingGrayson
Catacomb Caper Complete 'Paris Catacombs Upper Tunnels'. Silver CatacombCaper
I Really Hate Mallery... Complete 'Paris Catacombs Lower Tunnels'. Silver IReallyHateMallery
Buried a Burrower Complete 'Abandoned Processing Center'. Silver BuriedABurrower
I Still Plan to Kill All of Them Complete 'DNA Storage Facility'. Silver IStillPlanToKillAllOfThem
So That's Why It's Called a Hammer Complete 'Chrysalis Lair Mech Ride'. Silver SoThatsWhyItsCalledAHammer
Give Mallery What He Had Coming Complete 'River Approach'. Gold GiveMalleryWhatHeHadComing
Injected the Serum Complete 'Birthing Chamber'. Gold InjectedTheSerum
Destroy the Chrysalis and Raine Complete 'Mother Chamber'. Gold DestroyTheChrysalisAndRaine
Soft Spot Use Auger WS 100 times. Gold SoftSpot
That Was an Experience Die for the first time. Gold ThatWasAnExperience
Omni-Lethal Use 10 different weapons. Gold OmniLethal
Cloven Killer Kill 50 enemies. Gold ClovenKiller
Sentinel Survivor Complete Campaign in Infected mode. Bronze SentinelSurvivor
Infection Inception Find all intel in Infected mode. Bronze InfectionInception
I've Got Your Cure Right Here Defeat 25 enemies with the HE .44 Magnum in Infected mode. Bronze I'veGotYourCureRightHere