Resistance Wiki

Resistance: Fall of Man is a 2006 science-fiction first-person shooter video game for the PlayStation 3. It was developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. The game is set in an alternate history 1951, and follows Sergeant Nathan Hale as he and the human resistance forces attempt to drive a mysterious alien-like invasion out of the United Kingdom. The story continues in Resistance 2.

The game was originally developed under the title I-8, as it was the eighth title to be in production by Insomniac Games. It was released as a PlayStation 3 launch title in the United States on November 17, 2006 and in the PAL region on March 23, 2007. Fall of Man had a generally favorable critical reception, garnering particular praise in view of its status as a launch title and winning several awards.[1] As of 2007, the game sold more than 2.1 million copies.[2]


Resistance gameplay

Gameplay image, facing a Chimeran Hybrid. The player is using the XR-005 Hailstorm

Resistance: Fall of Man takes many gameplay cues from classic shooters such as Doom and Quake; the player is able to hold every weapon in the game at the same time, movement does not affect the accuracy of weapons, and the player runs at the same speed in any direction, making old-school tactics such as circle-strafing viable. The health system is a hybrid of the regenerating health system popularised by Call of Duty 2 and the older fixed-health system; the health bar is divided into four segments, each of which will regenerate if partially depleted but require a first aid item (Sym-Bac) to be picked up if fully depleted. In keeping with this old-school theme, enemies are far less "crunchy" than in most modern games, with even the common Hybrid enemies able to withstand multiple headshots from basic weapons.

Resistance: Fall of Man is a first-person shooter set in an alternate history. Many of its gameplay features stem from this, most notable of which is the weapons. Some weapons are based on real weapons circa the 1950s, while some weapons are futuristically altered in accordance with the game's storyline. Insomniac Games has combined its passion for creating exotic weapons and vehicles, such as those found in the Ratchet & Clank series, with its proprietary development engine and physics system to create unique human and Chimeran weaponry. Each weapon provides a unique play style and strategy. An example of this is found with the Auger. The primary fire for this weapon is simple rapid fire, but the bullets burrow through walls, actually coming out stronger on the other side, opening up a whole new level of strategy. The secondary fire creates a barrier that is resistant to all bullets but its own. In addition to the usual short- and long-range weapons, the game features several different types of grenades, with both historical and futuristic varieties. For example, one grenade, known as the Backlash grenade, is capable of creating a dome-shaped barrier, where the player can enter for cover. The barrier reflects shots from opposing Chimera. Some weapons are not available on the first play-through of the game but can be found at certain locations on replaying the game

The game features melee attacks, and the motion sensing feature of the SIXAXIS controller is used for a number of things including shaking off enemies that grab onto the player, shaking off tags and flames in multiplayer, and quickly bringing up a map or leaderboard in a multiplayer match. The player also has access to turrets and a drivable jeep with a gun turret on certain levels. The game was also on Sony's list of titles to receive an online update to support the vibration feature of the DualShock 3 controller for Japan, North America, and Europe.

Similar to Ratchet & Clank, there are also skill points that can be earned throughout the single player game. These are awarded for certain actions that are hinted at by their titles; however, the specific details are not revealed until the skill point is actually earned. For example, one skill point, called "Tag, You're It" requires killing five enemies in 30 seconds with the Bullseye weapon. There are common skill points that can be earned during any single level, and some that are specific to certain levels of the game. Each task is worth a different number of points which are used to unlock additional media for the game. There are many more skill points to be found in Resistance than in the Ratchet & Clank or Spyro series, which means the actions required to complete the points are much easier to do. Therefore, multiple skill points can be earned at once with little effort from the player. For example, one skill point, 'I Believe This is Yours', requires the player to kill all the Chimera in any level using only Chimeran weapons; in later levels, Chimeran weapons are more plentiful and more powerful than human weapons; in addition to the enemy AI guiding the Chimera towards the player, this skill point can be acquired with relative ease.

In addition, multiple Intel documents can be found scattered throughout each level. These give the player an insight into what has happened, is happening, and will happen.


Main article: Resistance series

In the 1900s, an alien race known as the Chimera arrive in Russia. Using advanced technology, they infect thousands of people and subject them to artificial evolution, creating a diverse army of creatures ranging from simple foot soldiers to spider-like giants. By 1949, all of Europe has fallen to the Chimera. The following year, a vast invasion force tunnels under the English Channel, conquering much of England and leaving only scattered pockets of human resistance.

In 1951, the United States, despite taking a position of neutrality in the conflict, sends a task force to assist the UK as part of Operation Deliverance in exchange for a "secret weapon". Among the soldiers is Army Ranger Sgt. Nathan Hale. However, soon after landing in York, he and his squad are ambushed by enemy troops, who infect them with the Chimeran virus. Hale, the only survivor, discovers that he has an innate resistance to full infection. Instead, he gains increased strength and reflexes, the ability to instantly heal light injuries, and gold-colored irises, a common trait of the Chimera.

Sent to a Chimera conversion center in Grimsby, Hale meets British intelligence officer Captain Rachel Parker and helps her escape. In turn, Parker allows him to accompany British forces launching an offensive in Manchester to recover a missing convoy that carried the secret weapon. The convoy's cargo is subsequently transferred to a resistance command center, Northern Command, in Cheshire. However, the Chimera soon attacked the base. While attempting to provide assistance, Hale is separated from Parker and ends up fighting off the attack single-handedly. He discovers that the "secret weapon" is actually an Angel, a powerful Chimeran creature that directs the Chimera's hive mind. The Angel tries to take control of Hale's mind, but Hale resists and kills the creature.

Hale later assists Lieutenant Steven Cartwright, a British Royal Marines Commando. The two of them eventually discover that the Chimera have established a series of metallic towers throughout Britain, all inter-connected by a series of underground power conduits. Even more puzzling, the towers were excavated, not built. After the Chimera attacked Southern Command, Hale enters the tunnels by himself, following the conduits to a nexus point in London. Through his connection to the Chimera, Hale learns that the towers are altering Earth's climate and comes to the conclusion that destroying the central tower in London will somehow result in the total defeat of the Chimera in Britain.

Under Parker and Cartwright's leadership, British and American forces launch a desperate assault on the central tower. Despite the Chimera fiercely defending the tower and killing countless human soldiers, Hale manages to breach the tower and destroys its power core, causing it to ignite in a massive explosion. This triggers a chain reaction, destroying the other towers in Britain and and killing all the Angels residing inside. Without the Angels' influence, the Chimera in Britain began to die out.

Hale is presumed to have been killed in the central tower's destruction in which the U.S. Army listed him as killed in action. Parker is not convinced, believing that he is still alive. In a post-credits scene, Hale is revealed to have survive and walking outside of London. Suddenly, a squad of unknown soldiers detains him. Hale briefly contemplates suicide with his last grenade, but ultimately surrenders himself to their custody.

Campaign Levels of Resistance: Fall of Man
Campaign York · Grimsby · Manchester · Nottingham · Cheshire · Somerset · Bristol · Bracknell · London · Thames · Tower


Resistance: Fall of Man features a multiplayer mode for up to 40 players online with a 4 player offline. The multiplayer functionality of Resistance utilizes the same PlayStation Network ID (PSN) that users already have.

The multiplayer runs at a locked 30 frames per second, offline and online, no matter what happens in-game. Multiplayer games have little to no latency (subject to player's connection and host location), even while playing the 40 player online due to the implementation of dedicated servers across the PlayStation Network.

The multiplayer version of the game also enables players to create their own clan, create their own matches (custom games) or join pre-set games (Ranked Games). While in games, players can talk to their fellow team mates by using a Bluetooth or USB headset. Text chat is also enabled in pre-game lobbies.

The online multiplayer has an integrated friends system which allows players to add one another without becoming friends on the PSN. The online friends list shows a player's friend to be either In Lobby, Staging or In Game. From here players can Invite to Game, Invite to Party or Send a Message. This in game system allows for user-friendly interaction between friends and bypasses the need for players to exit the game to talk to friends; a feature that was absent from most other PS3 titles, until system firmware 2.40 was released.

On April 8, 2014, Sony ended support for multiplayer servers in Fall of Man (and its sequels), making online multiplayer unavailable.[3] However, a workaround was found in 2021 and released on April 2022.[4]


Weapons in Resistance: Fall of Man
Human L11-2 Dragon · L209 LAARK · L23 Fareye · M5A2 Folsom Carbine · Rossmore 236 · XR-003 Sapper · XR-005 Hailstorm
Chimera Arc Charger · Auger · Bullseye · Bullseye Mark II · Reaper Carbine · Splitter
Grenades Air Fuel · Backlash · Frag · Hedgehog


List of Maps in Resistance: Fall of Man
Included Bus Yard · Grimsby · Hangar · Manchester · Nottingham · Rooftops · Somerset · Subway · Thames · The Mall · U.S.S. Lexington
Map Pack 1 Camborne · Westmorland
Map Pack 2 Axbridge · Bracknell

Downloadable content[]

On June 7, 2007, a spokesperson from Sony Computer Entertainment America, posted a message on, informing players that complications had arisen and that the Worldwide Update and map pack had been delayed for an unspecified amount of time. However, the spokesperson did mention that it was only for a short period of time.[5]

In addition to the above maps, Insomniac made available two additional maps on June 29, 2007 in one map pack for $7.99 USD, $8.99 CAD, £2.99 GBP, €4.49 and $7.45 AU.

An additional map pack was released on November 29, 2007 that includes two additional maps for the price of $4.99 USD.

On December 11, 2008 both Map Packs were made free for download.


In November 2007, an update for the game was made available that enabled rumble functionality for DualShock 3 controllers.[6]

Ranked Matches[]

Ranked matches automatically places players in a match from a chosen category. The matches intend to place players together whose ranks are the same or very close together, to make the matches fair. Ranked matches give the player experience, which will allow the player to move up different ranks. As the player moves up ranks, special rewards are unlocked for their character.

There are three categories the player can choose from, each category with its own modes with one the player will automatically be placed in. The three categories consist of:

  • Free-for-all: In this category there is a deathmatch mode, which is a simple free-for all deathmatch. There is also conversion mode, an elimination game type.
  • Team Deathmatch, is the second selectable category which directly takes the player to a Team Deathmatch where two teams battle to see who can get to the point objective first (Normal scoring) by killing the members of the opposing team. Map Pack Mayhem was recently added to the Team Deathmatch game mode.
  • Team Objective: When selecting this category the player will either be taken to a ''Meltdown'', ''Capture the Flag'', ''Breach'' or ''Assault'' game type. The most common mode the player is automatically taken to is Meltdown, in which two teams fight to capture nodes.

Custom Matches[]

The multiplayer for Resistance also allows highly customizable unranked matches, known as 'Custom' matches allowing the hosts to set different parameters such as hit points, weapon sets and others. Custom matches already in progress can also be joined and the player can join matches of his/her choice with a filter that detects matches meeting the player's chosen criteria. Other Players can also be invited to games using the buddy list. Custom games do not have much XP to gain as opposed to Ranked matches.

Offline modes[]

The offline (split screen) multiplayer also features a range of modes, These include: Deathmatch, Team-Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Breach, Assault and Meltdown. All of which the player can decide the map they play the game on, the time limit, the number of lives, the teams (if applicable), the points limit and plenty of other variables.

Resistance's multiplayer does not feature the vehicles found in the game's Campaign mode.

Resistance: Fall of Man also features an offline co-operative mode that allows players to play through the campaign mode with a friend.

Different species[]

While playing online players will either be assigned to the Human or Chimera species, each of which has its strengths and weaknesses.

  • Humans: Humans possess advanced radar that detects friends and foes. Humans are also smaller, thus harder to hit, and possess the ability to crouch and sprint forever. However, while sprinting the cross hairs will disappear, making it hard to aim correctly. Also, if a human is sprinting without full health, their health will not regenerate until they stop sprinting. Human players also spawn equipped with one fragmentation grenade. Their default weapon is the M5A2 Carbine.
  • Chimera: Chimera are larger and make easier targets but they also possess "Rage Mode". This allows them to run faster, see enemies through walls at a short distance (like thermal imagery), and increase their damage given with any weapon (including the sniper rifle and the rocket launcher). "Rage Mode" can cause the Chimera to overheat and lose up to half of their health if left on for too long. When in Rage Mode for a certain amount of time, flames will show up on the Chimera's back, making it more visible. The Chimera also lack the ability to crouch. Their default (spawning) weapon is the Bullseye, and do not spawn with grenades.


Viral Website 1[]

Viral Website 1

A screenshot of Viral Website 1.

The first viral website for Resistance: Fall of Man was an interactive website that contained a world map and historical events that happened in the Resistance universe, prior to the Chimeran War.

Viral Website 2[]

The second viral website was a diary that contained information about the characters from Resistance: Fall of Man and information about the historical events prior to the Chimeran War.

The official website for Resistance: Fall of Man contained a series of videos narrated by Anne Greenwood. A total of ten videos were released on the website.

A viral, non-canon blog post called "The Silent Garden" was created for the marketing of the game. It contained information about Lexi Kuptchenko, a character from the Resistance universe.

During Resistance: Fall of Man's marketing campaign, in addition to trailers, videos, viral websites, and blog posts, two marketing posters were released with thet noteworthy phrase, "Human history just got a little less human."

Press Kit Edition[]

Resistance Fall of Man Press Kit Edition

The Press Kit Edition is a special edition for the release of Resistance: Fall of Man. It includes a tin can of the army, the disc of the game Resistance Fall of Man, an army pouch, a resistance registration identity card, two British propaganda cards, a card titled "Know your enemy" and on the back side of the card is a map titled "Invasion map", a confidential map containing information about Operation Deliverance, Chimeran enemies and weapons and finally also a letter from a soldier stationed at Eastern Command.

Critical reception[]

Resistance: Fall of Man received "generally favorable reviews" according to the review aggregation website Metacritic.[1] Within the first few hours of the PS3's Japanese launch, the game had already received praise from some publications. Famitsu gave the game a score of 33 out of 40.[7] IGN was the first Western site to review the game, with reviewer Jeremy Dunham declaring that while other consoles had to wait years to get their killer app, "PlayStation 3 users get theirs on day one."[8] The scores at the time of European launch were less brilliant. Eurogamer's UK review complained that, while functional, and even occasionally entertaining, the game completely failed to innovate.[9]

411Mania gave it a score of 9.6 out of 10 and said that it initially "felt like Call of Duty, but as I progressed through the game, I found that there was substantially more. The game plays it by the numbers in many ways but it's very polished and fun. The multiplayer will keep you occupied for months. Any PS3 owner will do themselves a disservice by not picking up this game."[10] USA Today gave it a score of four stars out of five, saying, "Easily the best game for the new Sony PlayStation 3 game console, Resistance: Fall of Man is a first-person shooter that lets you, as an American soldier stationed in the United Kingdom, lead the fight to rid the world of a vicious alien race."[11] The Sydney Morning Herald also gave it four stars out of five and called it "an accomplished shooter providing many fun online modes, engaging solo missions and superb weapons."[12] However, The New York Times gave it an average review, saying that "In spite of rave reviews it’s a fairly pedestrian humans-versus-aliens first-person shooter that brings nothing new to the genre. The artificial intelligence of combatants is lackluster, and the semi-sepia-toned graphics are surprisingly unimpressive, no better than what you would see on the five-year-old Xbox."[13]

During the 10th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards, the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences nominated Resistance: Fall of Man for "First-Person Action Game of the Year" and "Outstanding Achievement in Visual Engineering".[14]

Manchester Cathedral controversy[]

Main article: Controversy over the usage of Manchester Cathedral in Resistance: Fall of Man




  • Resistance: Fall of Man is the first game to feature a 7.1-channel PCM soundtrack.
  • As a launch title for the PlayStation 3, Resistance: Fall of Man was released before Trophies existed. Insomniac Games was unable to develop a patch for Trophies due to time and cost constraints that would interfere with their development of Resistance 3.[15]


  1. ^ a b "Resistance: Fall of Man for PlayStation 3 Reviews". Metacritic.
  2. ^ Pham, Alex (November 26, 2007). "The independent imagination". Los Angeles Times.
  3. ^ Purchese, Robert (January 6, 2014). "Sony turning off Gran Turismo, Resistance servers". Eurogamer.
  4. ^ Hargreaves, Jim (November 23, 2021). "MotorStorm PS3 servers back online, Resistance: Fall of Man next in video game preservation initiative"
  5. ^ McWhertor, Michael (June 7, 2007). "Resistance, Motorstorm Updates Pushed Back". Kotaku.
  6. ^ Caron, Frank (November 1, 2007). "Resistance patch adds fixes, rumble? and screenshots?". Ars Technica.
  7. ^ Orry, James (November 1, 2006). "Famitsu reviews first PS3 games".
  8. ^ Dunham, Jeremy (November 10, 2006). "Resistance: Fall of Man Review". IGN.
  9. ^ Reed, Kristan (March 22, 2007). "Resistance: Fall of Man (UK)". Eurogamer.
  10. ^ Redkey, David (December 29, 2006). "Resistance: Fall of Man (PS3) Review". 411Mania.
  11. ^ Saltzman, Marc (December 21, 2006). "Action abounds in games out for the holidays". USA Today.
  12. ^ Hill, Jason (March 19, 2007). "Resistance: Fall of Man". The Sydney Morning Herald.
  13. ^ Herold, Charles (November 30, 2006). "A Playful Controller, and 2 Alien Shoot-Em-Ups". The New York Times.
  14. ^ "D.I.C.E. Awards By Video Game Details Resistance: Fall of Man".
  15. ^ Moriarty, Colin (May 27, 2011). "Resistance: Fall of Man Isn't Getting Trophies". IGN.

External links[]

Resistance series
Main games Resistance: Fall of Man · Resistance 2 · Resistance 3
Spin-off games Retribution · Burning Skies
Special Editions Resistance Dual Pack · Resistance: The Trilogy · Resistance Collection
Viral marketing games Project Abraham · America First - America Only · Get A War Job · SrpaNet · Metastasis
Comics Resistance
Novels The Gathering Storm · A Hole in the Sky
Strategy guides Resistance: Fall of Man Signature Series Guide · Resistance 2 Signature Series Guide · Resistance 3 Signature Series Guide